Technology in the Classroom
Keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23
Creating Lifelong Learners is dedicated to fostering a passion for continuous learning, rooted in Christian values, to equip individuals to make a positive impact in the world. Our blog provides resources, inspiration, and community support to encourage growth and transformation through knowledge and faith. My name is Heather Baker and I am Head of School at Haw River Christian Academy. HRCA is a Christian Classical school in Pittsboro, which is in rural Chatham County in North Carolina. My email address is and I look forwrad to hearing from you. Prior to my present position, I have been Upper School Principal, Dean of Academics, and have taught many classes and grade levels at this school. I have also homeschooled my three children, taught at a University for six years, taught in public/charter schools for six years, and a Christian school for two years. I love teaching, I love my students, I love my school, but most of all I love my Lord and I aim to please Him in all I say and do. We have just begun a Capital Campaign at our school, so we are looking forward to having our own building on our own property. The church from whom we rent has been amazing, but we are running out of space for our rapidly growing school.
12 Oct 2024 23:58
Keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23
6 Oct 2024 18:15
I am currently reading the book “Surprised by Oxford” by Carolyn Weber and was struck by the following paragraph.
5 Oct 2024 21:40
5 Oct 2024 21:02
To give homework or not to give homework....that is the question!
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