To give homework or not to give homework....that is the question!
In our ever changing world, there is a constant question. Should we assign homework or not assign homework? There is the camp that says we need to assign homework so that students are honing their skills. They are reviewing and practicing the skills they have learned.
Then there is the view that students should do all their learning in the school day. After school time is sacred and is for friends, family, and fun. Students don't need the extra stress of work at home and trying to balance schoolwork, activities, and family.
So which is right, do we give no homework, ten minutes of homework per grade, unlimited homework?
It is essential that we have a philosophy regarding homework. I believe that homework is a valuable part of school life. However, it should not be overwhelming. School should not take over the lives of our students, working four or five hours on homework should not be a daily reality. It might happen from time to time if a student has not done their homework in a responsible manner and things have piled up, however, that should never be the expectation of the teachers day after day.
Ten minutes of homework per grade seems to be a reasonable measure of homework. That way, students learn to plan incrementally for the longer time required to complete homework. This means that seniors would have up to two hours of homework a night, but that would be the maximum average homework load.
Weekends should not be spent doing homework. This is time for the family and for worship and doing the Lord's things. Students should not have work on the weekend unless they are catching up or getting ahead. This leaves that time as time to take a Sabbath as God set things up. He knows we need rest too.
Balance is important. Homework to keep students learning and on top of their work. Time off to come back refreshed and ready for a new week.
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Homework can be tricky. For the average student, 10 minutes per grade seems fitting. However, for students that struggle, 10 minutes per day can be much more than that. I've seen my own children struggle with the homework expectations. Two of them were fine with the "standard" amount of time, but one of them always spent more time on homework. It was a struggle for them and created issues in the family. We pressed through and did the work, but at the time it was draining for all of us. We made sure to connect with teachers and tried different ideas to make it better, but overall, it was difficult.
I interact a good bit with elementary kids after their school day has ended. It is nice to see them outside enjoying creative play, as well as learning how to resolve conflicts (a practical life lesson), instead of staying inside to finish homework.
I hope there would be additional support available should their grades begin to fail because they have not fully grasped what is being taught.